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Portugal - Over 24,000 New Companies Created so far This Year

Theportugalnews / 12-07-2018
Portugal - In the first half of 2018, 24,415 companies and other organizations were created in Portugal, a rise of 11 percent compared to the same period of 2017, according to Informa D&B barometer figures published.
By sector, services registered 7,943 new companies, accommodation and catering accounted for 2,939 new companies and retail for 2,869.

The number of new companies in the agriculture, livestock, fishing and hunting sector, decreased by 35.7 percent, or 398 new companies.

The company closures registered in the first six months of the year increased 12.7 percent to 7,630, or 859 more than in the same period of last year.

The services sector is also the one with the highest number of closures (1,809), followed by retail (1,373).

The number of insolvency proceedings initiated was 1,243, or a decrease of 12.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

“The increase in the companies being set up crosses almost all sectors of activity, but the increase in the number of companies linked to tourism-related activities is the main contribution to the increase in this indicator, especially in the districts of Lisbon, Porto and Setúbal,” said the Informa D&B barometer.

These sectors account for more than 30 percent of the total number of new companies, with 54.8 percent increase in transportation (321 new companies), 33.8 percent in real estate activities (614), 21.6 percent in construction (412), 11.5 percent in services (817) and 8.2 percent in accommodation and catering (222). 

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